Saturday, October 6, 2007

Be Herd!!!

The Pryor Mountain wild horses are Montanas last remaining herd of wild horses and like so many of the wild herds today, or those already irreplaceably lost, the Pryor Mountain wild horses are in danger of being managed to extinction.

Cloud, a magnificent wild stallion in the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range, has been the subject of the PBS nature series documentaries, “Cloud – Wild Stallion of the Rockies” and “Cloud’s Legacy: The Wild Stallion Returns” as well as the inspiration for the animated Walt Disney feature, “Spirit”, and has become a prominent symbol for the plight facing our wild horse and burro herds across the Nation today.

Help Us Live in Freedom!!!

Emmy-winning filmmaker and Volunteer Executive Director of the Cloud Foundation, Ginger Kathrens, has been involved in extensive efforts to try and save this last remaining herd of now rare Spanish mustangs and they need your help.

Montana Senators need to hear from the public NOW to protect Cloud and the Pryor Mountain wild horses before this majestic and historical wildlife vanishes from the American scene forever.

Let your voice be heard by providing email comments to show your support.

-Here are the key points that need to be mentioned-

  • The Pryor Wild Horse Herd is the only wild horse herd remaining in Montana.

  • The herd is threatened despite their popularity and their Spanish ancestry.

  • BLM management plans call for the removal of Pryor wild horses to far below the standards for genetic viability - as low as 85 horses when 150 is generally accepted as the mininum standard to insure preservation!!!

  • The Custer National Forest Service has refused to grant legal status to the wild horses that have lived there for hundreds of years, calling them trespassers and threatening to put up wire fence to keep them from accessing their historical higher mountain pastures.

    The Wild Horse & Burro Act clearly states that wild horses will be managed where found when the Act was passed in 1971. Wild horses are documented to have lived in the Forest Service area in question before, during and after the passage of th Act. Therefore, the Forest Service is in violation of the Wild Horse & Burro Act.

  • Urge Senators Tester and Baucus to preserve a Pryor Herd for the future by forcing the Forest Service to recognize the legal right of the Pryor Horses to roam their historic lands adjacent to the designated Pryor Mustang Wild Horse Range in the Custer National Forest.

  • Urge Senators Tester and Baucus to stop BLM from decreasing the Pryor Wild Horses to levels that will destroy the herd.

    If you have visited the horse range, please include this.
    If you live in Montana, make sure the Senators know this.
    If you have other observations and personal statements about preserving the herd, please add these to your email.
    Your heartfelt comments will make all the difference.

    Here’s how to send your message.
    Go to Senator Tester and Baucus’ websites.
    Senator Tester at
    Senator Baucus at

    Click on Contact us.
    Click on Email about an issue.
    Type in your name, etc.
    Select or type in a Topic: Environment or Animals
    Type in the Subject: Pryor Wild Horses
    Type in your message.
    Ask for a reply and submit your comments.

    It’s that easy.
    Please do what you can TODAY. Ask others in your address book to do the same and have them sign up on the Cloud Foundation email list by simply emailing and typing “add my address” in the subject line so you can continue to stay informed on Cloud, his herd and the efforts to preserve the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses!!!

    Thanks so much for your participation, for speaking up, for trying to prevent America’s wild horses and burros from “fast disappearing” and to insure their preservation for the enjoyment of future generations.

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