Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Want Versus Need

I want to take a moment out to honor the incredible leap of faith the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs & Burros has taken this past six months by extending every bit of their resources to protect over 300 Virginia Range horses from going to slaughter.

In a recent newsletter ISPMB has stated that their efforts have successfully adopted out 263 of these historical horses!

But it has not come without a price. With the cost of everything skyrocketing and effecting each and everyone one of us, every time we go to the gas pumps we are aware of how expensive things are getting so fast! The price of hay has almost doubled in the last year and the drought South Dakota was pummeled with last summer has left very little reserves for ISPMB to provide for these "saved" horses.

So I would like to take a moment out to ask again for people to chip in and donate something, anything to this noble organization to show support for their heroic efforts and the leap of faith ISPMB took to save those horses from the slaughterhouses.

Please take a hard look at what you "want" versus what you need and considering giving up a want to help with a true need - the need of these horses and the people who have so bravely stepped forward to insure they were safe. Every bit will help and even a little from everyone will make a huge difference!

A few months back, I was cruising through the website of another horse sanctuary that had put out a call for help to save a group of horses headed for slaughter. They were asking for any amount but all I had was $15.00 to give. I was so embarrassed at how little this was that I almost gave into the temptation to not give anything at all. Thank God I decided that something was better than nothing and went through with donating the $15.00.

After I finished my transaction, I spent some more time looking around the site and came across a photo of this beautiful mare that had been saved from a horse slaughter auction for the grand tune of -can you guess? $15.00.....

I just started crying right on the spot. It had seemed such a pitiful amount to contribute but there I was, looking at the life $15.00 dollars had saved and it just absolutely stunned me that so little could do so much.

ISPMB has also asked that people consider being a monthly sponsor for the next 6 months, just so they will KNOW that their feed bills will be covered for all those beautiful horses allowed to still roam free on the sanctuary.

So PLEASE, consider helping ISPMB at this critical juncture in their courageous efforts by supporting those who support the horses.

Thank you for your consideration.

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