Friday, September 11, 2009

In The News

Well, now that BLM has received ample funding by Congress to “keep on keeping on” with no questions asked, the only way to cover the explosion of activities this funding is being used for is to provide a quick summary of everything going on. So, without further ado…

BLM National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board
The BLM National WH&B Advisory Board has been set for Monday, September 28, 2009 in Arlington, Virginia. Public comments will be accepted until September 23, 2009. Click Here to learn more.

Nevada Newsmakers
Watch current National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board members use their positions to misrepresent facts in order to promote their own special interests. See “Doctor” Boyd Spratling, currently BLM’s chosen representative for Veterinary Medicine, describe “some” livestock grazing in wild horse territory (Dr. Spratling is also the ex-President of Nevada’s Cattleman’s Association) and Representative for Wildlife, Larry Johnson, (ex-President of Nevada Bighorn Unlimited and still serving on the Board of Directors for NBU), "spin the numbers" (where did he get this information from?) as well as promoting alternatives to dispose of “excess” animals, such as their unlimited sale – all while he professes his great and undying life-long love of wild horses. Click Here to access archived shows and then select Wednesday, August 26, 2009 to watch these Wild Horse and Burro “Advisors” in action!


Wild Burro Removals
BLM announces the removal of wild burros from multiple sites within Southern California. No current documents, NEPA analysis or Decision Record authorizing these removals has yet been found but a BLM response is still pending. Click Here to learn more.

Buckhorn/Carter Reservoir/Coppersmith Herd Management Areas
BLM has signed the Final Decision to remove approximately 650 wild horses from these HMAs. The public has until September 19, 2009 to submit an appeal of BLMs proposal to the Interior Board of Land of Appeals (Please consider ignoring BLMs posted date of September 24, 2009 as IBLA is very strict on the 30 day time limit for appeal submission and it is highly probably that they will throw out a “late appeal” for this reason. There is no public recourse if BLM lies about the submission date). Click Here to learn more.

Tobin Herd Management Area & Sonoma Herd Area
Remove approximately 440 wild horses in October 2009 with 22-42 wild horses allowed to remain. Public comments accepted through Friday, September 18, 2009. Click Here to learn more.

Red Desert Complex (Lost Creek, Stewart Creek, Green Mountain, Crooks Mountain and Antelope Hills Herd Management Areas)
Approximately 700 wild horses are being planned for removals. Public comments will be accepted through October 1, 2009. Click Here to learn more.

Sands Basin and Four Mile Herd Management Areas
Approximately 206 wild horses will be removed between October 6th thru October 13th. The Decision Record has already been signed so the only available option left for public involvement is to appeal the decision. However, while there is a brief notice describing the round up, there are no posted documents such as an EA, Decision Record or instructions on how to appeal currently available online. Click Here to learn more.

Beaty Butte Herd Management Area
Authorizes current removals of approximately 320 wild horses. Also authorizes future removals, administering fertility control and gelding stallions “as needed” during the life of the plan. On a bright note, BLM has rescinded their original decision issued on August 19, 2009, which granted them a 10-year “contract” to do whatever they needed to do without further public notice or involvement. While BLMs revised “Dear Reader Letter” states that the NEW EA is provided via an online link, turns out the link is broken. Big surprise, heh? Since the Decision Record has been signed, the public’s only option is to appeal the decision, despite no public access to the “revised” long-term plan or instructions on how to appeal BLMs decision if we found something in the new management plan we wanted to appeal. Appeals will be accepted until October 2, 2009. Click Here to watch Oregon’s BLM block public access, public involvement and the promised “change” of government transparency (NOT!) as they have authorized “something” regarding the Beaty Butte wild horses, but only they know what it actually is.

Pryor Mountain Wild Horses
If anyone wants to take a good, hard look at BLM round ups, obstructionism and how BLM isn’t even interested in listening to Congressional Representative Grijalva’s demands for accountability (much less the general public), check out The Cloud Foundations website, which now includes a new blog to inform the public of the harsh realities facing us regarding the continued unchecked "management" of our fast disappearing wild horse and burro herds and their home ranges. TCF is also calling for continued public pressure to have BLM return now removed Pryor Mountain wild horses back to their lawful range. Click Here to learn more.

To view Congressional Representative Grijalva's ignored letter demanding BLM stop the round up of the Pryor Mountain wild horses as well as issuing a "cease and desist" for all future round ups across the West until BLM finally coughs up some sincere answers, Click Here.

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