Friday, June 3, 2011

In Conclusion

After much reflection and meditation of this five-year journey regarding my research and involvement in the Department of the Interior/Bureau of Land Management’s execution of the Wild Horse and Burro Program, I have reached a decision and am announcing my retirement.

While I will no longer be involved in any new analysis, please continue to read, review and build upon the documents, links and prior postings in American Herds as sources of information, education, history, and interconnected relationships in what appears to be the ongoing perpetuation of a broken, inhumane and fraudulent Program whose criminal activities have been swept under the rug and covered up for decades.

Over this time, I have accumulated a wide variety of environmental assessments, reports and related documents that I hope to periodically upload to American Herds in order to make them available for those who seek to know more of the truth about what has – and is – really occurring behind the scenes of the sound byte propaganda continually regurgitated by industry related enemies of America’s remaining “free” wild horse and burro populations. Please check back occasionally for new material that may be of assistance in learning and knowing more about these issues.

I would also like to deeply thank the untold number of citizens and grass roots activists I have had the distinct honor and pleasure to work with during this time. Your dedication to the well being of our herds, pursuit of the truth, and infinite sacrifices has been truly humbling.

Cindy MacDonald


  1. Words cannot even begin to thank you for your dedication and knowledge.

    Wishing you a wonderful retirement and peace.


  2. Just know you have inspired MANY and the horses are the better for your work. No matter how it appears, you have mattered, greatly. Be well, be happy and know that you made a difference.

  3. CINDY, DON'T LEAVE! WE NEED YOU! THE WILD HORSES AND BURROS NEED YOU! You probably don't know it, but much of your information is posted in newspapers ALL OVER THE WEB.
    Just take a rest for a while.

  4. Cindy, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your many hours of work over many years for our wild horses. You are one of a kind. And thanks, too, for so generously leaving your archives and research online for us. Please know that I will be reading it. You're absolutely awesome. I wish you much happiness in your retirement.

  5. Cindy, you will get so bored with retirement. Your mind is WAY too active for that. Besides, the Party is just getting started and the band is warming up.

  6. Cindy, I am certain I will refer to your documents and thank you for all of your hard work and efforts. You have provided a wealth of information that can be used to improve the circumstances for our wild horses. Enjoy yourself, you have earned it!

  7. Cindy, don't give up or give in. Just take a break.

    Good news for Mustangs! Congressman Raul Grijalva just introducted legislation on May 26, 2011 Honoring Wild Horses and Burros as part of our National Heritage. The legislation notes wild horses are part of our country ecosystem and rangelands and equids evolved in North America. It asks all citizens to honor wild horses and burros on Cloud birthday, May 29, 2011. He also added a statement to the congressman record on May 25, Honoring Cloud, Wild Stallion of the Rockies.

    Can you load the legislation and the congressional statement on your web site?

    Bill Text
    112th Congress (2011-2012)
    H.RES.284 -- Honoring wild horses and burros as important to our national heritage. (Introduced in House - IH)

    HRES 284 IH
    112th CONGRESS
    1st Session
    H. RES. 284
    Honoring wild horses and burros as important to our national heritage.
    May 26, 2011
    Mr. GRIJALVA submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources
    Honoring wild horses and burros as important to our national heritage.
    Whereas the evolutionary origin of equines is found in North America;
    Whereas wild horses and burros are part of the ecosystem and rangelands of the United States;
    Whereas wild horses and burros are an important part of our national heritage;
    Whereas the National Wild Horse and Burro Program should provide for continued long-term existence and well-being of wild horses and burros on public lands; and
    Whereas Cloud, the most famous and revered wild stallion, was born May 29, 1995, on the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range, and embodies the essence of wild horse values of freedom and family: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
    (1) honors the 16th birthday of Cloud;
    (2) encourages the people of the United States to observe and celebrate the 16th birthday of Cloud and the intrinsic value of all wild horses and burros;
    (3) recognizes wild horses and burros as living symbols of the western development era and honors their hardy nature; and
    (4) recognizes that with the American frontier long since closed, wild horses and burros remain among the last representatives of the freedom and spirit of the Old West.

    HONORING CLOUD, WILD STALLION OF THE ROCKIES -- HON. RAÚL M. GRIJALVA (Extensions of Remarks - May 25, 2011)
    [Page: E948] GPO's PDF
    Wednesday, May 25, 2011
    • Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the wild horse stallion known as Cloud, born May 29, 1995 in the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range of Montana.
    • This majestic stallion has become the most famous wild horse in the world, and serves as the ambassador and emblem of wild horses and burros living free and protected on public lands.
    • No other wild horse in United States history has had his life story known and shared throughout the world.
    • Filmed as a tottering newborn foal beside his mother, the citizens of our great nation watched him grow into a bachelor stallion living among other young males, testing his strength, honing the skills he would one day need to start his own family.
    • Eventually, Cloud became a band stallion, winning mares and fathering his own foals. Cloud's history, captured on film and books by Ginger Kathrens, filmmaker and documentarian, has been shown throughout the United States on Public Broadcasting as part of the Nature Series, and throughout the world on numerous channels and networks.
    • Cloud symbolizes the spirit of the West and links us with our heritage. The study of his life
    [Page: E949] GPO's PDF
    has brought recognition and appreciation of wild horses and burros on our public lands. Cloud has taught us that what wild horses and burros cherish most is not so different than for all Americans, freedom and family.

  8. you will be greatly missed by the wild horse/burros and by all of us. the insights and research you have shared into this wack gov. system have been invaluable. thank you from the bottom of my heart and i wish you much love in your retirement.

  9. Wow, so many emotions around this. First, I love you Cindy and soooo want what is best for you.
    The loss to the horses has made me just sit down and cry more than once.Like right now, tears.....
    You are and have been quite a force for the wild ones Cindy Mac, it will be difficult for anyone to fill your shoes.
    I do understand how much you invested and the toll it takes, but the stand you took for justice for the wild ones made a huge difference that you may not always be able to see. The wild ones are not safe yet, but awareness is out there, and you did that for them. THANK YOU MY FRIEND!!!! I am so honored to call you my friend, you are all heart!!! (oh, ya, and brains, so brainy!!)) lol
    Cindy, I hope for the horses and burros and for all of us advocates, that you will continue, perhaps on a limited basis, in balance with your real life, to fight with us in the future. I look forward to that day. If that day never comes, I will forever be indebted to you for your knowledge and information and for your oh so brave and determined push for justice for the wild horses, and of course the burros that you never let anyone forget, Love you Cindy Mac!!!

  10. Dear Cindy,

    Your xray vision, skill and determination have served the wild horses and burros and the advocates for many years.

    You are one of a kind and will be sorely missed.

    Best wishes in your retirement and THANK YOU for providing this web presence into the future.

  11. I heard it but couldn't believe it...
    Your voice has always been one that I trust without hesitation.
    I know how much this can literally take over your life and wear you down. The battles from outside and within take it's toll.
    My hope is that the next chapter that fills the massive void this one will leave... is filled with peace, love and a happiness that leaves you giddy.
    Best to you.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. You and your work have been so precious, and as I wrote you personally, I have nothing but honor for you and your decisions. There will always be a place for you at this table, and you and your work will remain as a fundamental part of the history we are making as we fight to keep these horses and burros visible in every way, fight to preserve their freedom and free ranging way of life supposedly guaranteed to them under the 1971 Act on their behalf, and as we fight to preserve our own stake in our public lands.
    Your place at this table is secure, and you are always welcome to visit or re-enlist. Out of sight, not out of mind or heart...
    WIth love and profound gratitude, wishing you all the best, nickers and brays on behalf of the thousands who've come before and are yet to be, Elyse

  14. Cindy, I know you have a family and work hard. What you have done is profound work. You influenced and taught us. You helped me see the BLM in a detailed light. Thank you for all you have written. I do wish you would continue because your view point is clear and seasoned. I am very sad and hope you will come back if distance and time get you thinking about the wild ones again. You are amazing. Big Love and Respect to you, mar

  15. Cindy, when the first ones are released BACK to where they belong, you need to be there to "cut the ribbon".

  16. Cindy, I don't know where to begin. From the moment we first met, we connected through the burros. I have been in this battle for such a short time in comparison to you, and I already feel the abrasion of corruption running through my heart. It does hurt, and over time, with few wins to salve the wounds, it does come down to mental and emotional self preservation. It is my deepest hope that you will heal and come back and join us. Your heart and soul are all over the future victories we will attain. You, Cindy are going always be a part of this for you laid the ground work. Wheather you find the strength to come back or not you are always going to be a part of this. I love you. I know if you could you would. Vive el burro, and keep in touch, Marjorie and Miss Abby

  17. Dearest Cindy,
    My most sincere gratitude for all you have done. You gave so much of yourself, and I know all your work will help our wild horses and burros . What an inspiration you will always be !Thank you just doesn't seem adequate but I am not good with words like you are. God bless you and yours. You will always be my dear friend.
    Love, Barbara

  18. Cindy,I'm honored that I got to meet and talk with you awhile during our advocate lunch in Phoenix. Your knowledge of obtaining important BLM documents under the FOIA inspired me to learn the same. The advocacy will sorely miss you, but we will carry on for you in spirit! I hope to run into you again someday.

  19. I'm sorry I never got to meet you, Cindy. I have found your posts and research to be second to none. I have referred to your work numerous times and have even sent entire posts to by legislators. I'm sure I'll be back many times in the future as well.

    Take care and enjoy your "retirement." And, if you ever want to come back, we would be overjoyed.

  20. Cindy, are you still checking comments? Much of your work has been posted in the ATLANTIC

    Andrew Cohen hits another home run in the Atlantic

  21. Cindy, just in case you haven't seen this post, I'm pulling it forward so you can. It was posted under TALE OF CARNAGE:

    DCovey said...
    Yes indeed Atlantic has been mentioning American herds in their publication, and Andrew Cohen (with CBS) has been writing those stories. @EnviroEdgeNews on twitter is tweeting several news stories, and reports by horse welfare organizations just like a "news feed" would. NOTE that Andrew Cohen is following @EnviroEdgeNews on twitter - Go to twitter and see who else is following.

    August 22, 2011 3:35 PM

  22. Correction. The previous comment was posted under THIS article:


  23. Valerie James-PattonJuly 12, 2012 at 10:12 AM

    Hey Lady - I'd like to dedicate one of my all time favorite poems written by Edgar Guest in tribute to you, to try to say thank you for your work for the horses, and also for the wonderful gift of your friendship.
    It would be impossible to find words that could express that enough, but this poem comes pretty close.

    "Touching Shoulders"
    ~by Edgar A. Guest

    There's a comforting thought
    At the close of the day,
    When I'm weary and lonely and sad
    That sort of grips hold
    Of my crusty old heart,
    And bids it be merry and glad.

    It gets in my soul
    And drives out the blues,
    And finally thrills through and through.
    It’s just a sweet memory
    That chants the refrain:
    “I'm glad I touched shoulders with you!”

    Did you know you were brave?
    Did you know you were strong?
    Did you know there was one leaning hard?
    Did you know that I waited
    And listened and prayed,
    And was cheered by your simplest word?
    Did you know that I longed
    For the smile on your face?
    For the sound of your voice running true?
    Did you know I grew stronger and better because
    I had merely touched shoulders with you?

    I am glad that I live,
    That I battle and strive,
    For the place I know I must fill.
    I’m ready for sorrows
    And will greet with a grin,
    Whatever fortune may send, good or ill.
    I may not have wealth,
    I may not be great.
    But I know I shall always be true.
    For I have in my life
    That courage you gave,
    When once I touched shoulders with you!

    Love you, Cindy....thank you!

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